HOW LOVELY, at Festival of Wonder, Denmark, Novermber 2015
November 7th at 18:00 November 8th at 16:00 #photo
HOW LOVELY, at Festival of Wonder, Denmark, Novermber 2015
The Gramophone Show, at Festival of Wonder, Denmark, Novermber 2015
Deux pièces pour une soirée Yael Rasooly- PAPER CUT & The Gramophone Show, Samedi 21 Novemb
The House By The Lake in Pilsen, Czech Republic
Paper Cut & The Gramophone Show in Estonia /June 2015
Paper Cut in Segovia, Spain! at the Titirimundi Festival /May 2015
Paper Cut en France /Avril 2015
The House By The Lake 2015 Canadian Tour
'La Maison Près Du Lac' Nov. 2014 French Tour